MasonHub's OMS cannot accept any address changes while the fulfillment is in progress in Shopify. This is because the order fulfillment might already be in the process of being waved, picked, or packed and it is too late to make changes.
Important Note About Not Editing Addresses While Fulfillments are In Progress
The MasonHub App will not accept changes while the fulfillment order is in Fulfillment in progress status in Shopify. Before any changes are attempted, you must first request the cancellation of the fulfillment.
Important note: Shopify may alert you to potential address issues on the Orders search page and let you edit the address directly by clicking the dropdown next to the alert icon.
- Do not make any edits to the shipping address from this modal if you intend to update the address on the MasonHub OMS order.
- Even though Shopify will let you edit the shipping address here when the fulfillment is in progress (though Shopify doesn't let you do this on the order page itself), MasonHub's OMS will not accept the change.
These changes here WILL NOT update MasonHub's OMS:
How to Update the Customer's Address in Shopify and MasonHub's OMS
Our recommendation is that you attempt to update the customer's shipping address on the order in Shopify, though you can update it directly in MasonHub's OMS if it's not too late. Updating the shipping address only in MasonHub's OMS will not update Shopify.
The order must have at least one fulfillment in the following status in MasonHub's OMS:
- Open
- Substatus: Under Review
- Substatus: Under Delay
- In Progress or Partially Fulfilled with at least one fulfillment in the following
- Fulfillment status: Backordered
- Fulfillment status: Sent to WMS
- Fulfillment status: At Warehouse
You do not have to check MasonHub's OMS first to see if you can edit the order. Instead, Request cancellation on the order in Shopify and the MasonHub App will check the status of the order and let you know if it can be successfully cancelled at MasonHub, edited in Shopify, and resent to MasonHub with the edit.
- Click Request cancellation in Shopify first.
- Shopify will request a cancellation and the substatus will change to Cancellation requested in Shopify
- The MasonHub App will check the status of the order
- If the fulfillment order is successfully cancelled in MasonHub's OMS, Shopify will update the fulfillment to Unfulfilled status.
- If it cannot be cancelled, Shopify will tell you the fulfillment request was declined and it's too late to change the order.
- Click Edit shipping address in the Customer panel on the right and click Save
- Choose Your edit on the modal
- Click Mark as valid
- Now that the Shopify order's address is changed, click Request fulfillment on the fulfillment
- The MasonHub App will send MasonHub a new request
- MasonHub will create a new fulfillment order in the MasonHub OMS with the updated address
- In MasonHub's OMS, you will see the original fulfillment order in Canceled status and the new one in Open status