Orders placed through the Checkout on Facebook & Instagram channel must be fulfilled before payment is captured. So when using our MasonHub app during the fulfillment process, we need to make sure any fulfillment workflows are triggered by a payment authorization event, instead of a payment capture event. (More information from Shopify on how this channel works).
The MasonHub Shopify app was built to only pull in orders when the status is Paid, to prevent any Draft or Fraud orders from getting created in our OMS. And when using the fulfillment service integration, Shopify does not trigger a fulfillment request until the order is marked as Paid.
But there is a way for us to create Facebook & Instagram orders by following the instructions below:
Webhook Service Clients
If you have inventory stocked at multiple locations in Shopify, then you are on the webhook service integration.
The MasonHub Support team must enable a feature in our system to be able to ingest webhook service Facebook & Instagram orders. Reach out to support@masonhub.co to request your account be turned on for the Facebook webhook flow before you enable this channel in Shopify. Once enabled, these orders will get created and fulfilled in the MasonHub OMS.
Fulfillment Service Clients - Facebook Shopify FLOW Fulfillment Request
If you have inventory only stocked at MasonHub in Shopify, then you are on the fulfillment service integration.
Normally, when a customer places an order on your store, Shopify will send the MasonHub app a fulfillment request. But since the Facebook & Instagram orders are not paid, Shopify doesn’t trigger the fulfillment request. However, there is a Shopify FLOW solution for this.
How to build a Shopify FLOW for Facebook Instagram Orders
Install the Shopify FLOW app.
Check if the sales channel = Facebook & Instagram.
Set up the workflow to look for either “Facebook” or “Instagram” in the Publication Name.
Select an “Action”
Select “If any conditions are met”
Select “add criteria”
Search for “Order publication”
Select “Equal to”
Enter Name “Facebook”
Repeat a-g and enter Name “Instagram”
After checking the Publication Name, then wait 45 minutes (Facebook puts the order into a "ON_HOLD" status for 30 minutes in case the customer cancels so you need to wait the 30 minutes then add a 15 min buffer.)
After 45 minutes, check if Display Fulfillment Status is "UNFULFILLED" (This will prevent orders that were manually submitted or canceled from being sent for fulfillment.)
Submit fulfillment request
The MasonHub app will then create and fulfill your Facebook & Instagram orders like so: